How do I delete an existing emission?

Path: "Projects" > "Emissions" > "Name of the Emission"

Note: To delete an emission, an emission and a project must have been created first.

Once the emission has been selected, you can edit the status of the emission by clicking on the "Edit" field.


Deleting an Emission

Steps to delete an Emission:

  1. By clicking on the "Edit" field, you will enter the editing mode of the corresponding emission.
  2. Choose "Delete" to permanently remove your emission.
  3. After confirming again, your emission should be deleted.

Requirements for deleting an issue

Please note the following restrictions

  • Issues cannot be deleted if active investments are associated to them
  • Issues can only be deleted by admins with the PlatformOwner role


We hope this information has been helpful to you. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact our support.

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