How do I get a new API Key?

API Keys

API keys will be provided to you by a portagon staff member. The respective tokens generated in this process are needed by you to establish a connection between GO and your own frontend or an affiliate partner.

Two different API keys can be generated:

  • The Platform API Key serves as the interface between GO and your individual frontend. Through this key, you can access various pieces of information, such as payment plans, investors, and more.

To implement the key on your frontend, you can refer to this documentation.

  • The Affiliate API Key is created for each partner. This key serves as an interface for affiliates to retrieve information about projects only. It is often requested by partners to display, for example, the current funding progress bar.

To see what information can be accessed using your key, you can use the following link: 

Click on "Authorize" and enter your key.

Navigate to the module for which you want information.

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