How do I send Project Updates to investors?

Issuer: Creating Project Updates

If you would like to inform investors about developments and other updates concerning your project, you have the option of using the project update functionality.

This is how to create a project update

  • Log in to your issuer account 
    • select Project Updates 
  • Then select "New Project Update" 
  • First define the project for which the update is to be uploaded
    • if the project has investments across more than one platform, you can define in the follow-up selection whether the update should be uploaded for all platforms or select a specific platform
  • Define a title for the update and add a description
  • You also have the option of uploading an attachment, for example a document

Platform-Admin: Managing Projekt Updates 

If an issuer has uploaded a project update for your platform, you can view and manage it in go.

Consider the following steps

  • You will receive an email about new Project Updates 
  • when you select the project, you will see all updates for the related project
    • they can be in one of the following states
      • published 
      • rejected 
      • pending  
  • you can execute the following, If a project is under review and you click on the title
    • edit
    • decline 
    • accept and publish for investors 
      • and optionally also inform them via email

Investors: Overview in the investment portal 

Investors can see all updates in their investment portal, including attachments and content. 

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