How do I create a new issuer?

Path: "Projects" > "Issuers" > "New Issuer"

In the tab "Projects" > "Issuers," you can create a new issuer by clicking on the "New Issuer" field. Provide the company information of the issuer, including the name, business address, and registration data. Additionally, add one or two contact persons.


Creating a New Issuer

Steps to create a new issuer:

  1. Go to the tab "Projects" > "Issuers" and click on the "New Issuer" field.
  2. Enter the name, business address, and registration data of the issuer.
  3. Next, specify the contact persons who should be informed about investments. To do this, enter the email address in the field "Emails for new investments" where the information should be sent. If multiple persons need to be informed, you can easily add more addresses, separating them with commas.
  4. Finally, to create the issuer, click on "Save."


We hope this information has been helpful to you. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact our support.

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