Which interest calculation methods does the software support?

When creating a new emission, you will always need to select an interest calculation method. In portagon go, you have four different methods to choose from. The following table compares these methods and their characteristics:


ISDA Actual/360 - Eurozins method

    • Accurate determination of interest days based on the calendar year having 365 or 366 days.
    • A year is assumed to have 360 interest days (not day-accurate).
    • The first investment day is subject to interest, while the last investment day is not.

ISDA Actual/365

    • Accurate determination of interest days based on the calendar year having 365 or 366 days.
    • A year is assumed to have 365 interest days (not day-accurate).
    • The first investment day is not subject to interest, while the last investment day is subject to interest.

ISDA Actual/Actual - Day-Count or Effective Interest Method

    • Accurate determination of interest days based on the calendar year having 365 or 366 days.
    • A year is assumed to have the exact number of days (365 or 366) for interest calculation.
    • The first investment day is not subject to interest, while the last investment day is subject to interest.

ISDA 30E/360 (Eurobond Basis)

    • The interest month is assumed to have a fixed 30 days, meaning the calendar year has 360 interest days.
    • Exception: February is considered to have 28 or 29 days, depending on whether the period start or end falls on one of these days.
    • A year is assumed to have 360 interest days (not day-accurate).
    • The first investment day is not subject to interest, while the last investment day is subject to interest.



  ISDA Actual/360 (Eurozins method) ISDA Actual/365 ISDA Actual/Actual ISDA 30E/360 (Eurobond Basis)
Zinstage calendar-accurate
365 or 366 days
365 or 366 days
365 or 366 days

interest month: 30 Tage
year: 360 days


Ausnahmen - - - Exception:
February, calendar-accurate 28 or 29, if period start or end falls on one of these days

360 days

365 days calendar-accurate
365 or 366 days
360 days
Verzinsung erster Anlagetag yes no no no
Verzinsung letzter Anlagetag no yes yes yes


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