How do I change the branding of my platform?

Path: "Settings" > Branding

To present your project to investors through a website, you must first set a logo and company colors in the "Branding" section under "Settings." You can customize the appearance of the free Lightning frontend provided by portagon, the investment process, and the investor accounts.

If you wish to use a custom frontend, you can learn more here.


  • Start by uploading a logo and favicon. (A favicon is used to identify a website in the browser tab and bookmarks bar, among other places.)


  • Next, you have various options to define your company colors for the frontend, investor user accounts, and the investment process.
  • You can enter your HEX values directly into the corresponding field.

  • Furthermore, by clicking on the color window, you will have access to additional functions.

  • Pressing the lower button, in addition to HEX values, gives you the option to specify the color selection using RGB and HSL values.


  • You can determine your desired color using the color palette and the slider.


  • If you are unsure of the exact values of your company colors, you can use the eyedropper tool. With it, you can easily pick your brand color directly from your company's website or from relevant documents. The selected color will be automatically applied to the color selection.


    Note: Once all settings are entered, click on "Save" at the bottom of the page first, and then click on "Update Branding" to apply the changes.

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