How are Cost reports created through go?

Path: Projects > Emission > Select Emission > Cost Reports

Note: A product cost report must have been created before editing a service cost report.

The Cost Report in portagon GO is an essential tool that details two main categories of costs: Product Costs and Service Costs. This division allows different parties - initiators and intermediaries - to document their respective costs precisely and clearly.

For Initiators: Product Costs

Initiators of the platform use the cost report to list all one-time and ongoing product costs. This cost breakdown forms the basis for the transparent presentation of investment products to investors.

For Intermediaries: Service Costs

Intermediaries, on the other hand, use the report to record all relevant service costs. This can range from consultancy fees to administrative costs and allows for clear communication of these costs to investors.

Process Flow


The fields to be filled out by initiators include, under the Calculation Basis area, the investment amount (reference value), and secondly, all costs under the Product Costs area.

If the mediation is not taking place directly through the same platform, please also select the marked checkbox "Pure Co-Funding, no own mediation".

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However, if the emission involves own mediation, then several cost entries are open for the intermediary:

The fields to be filled out by intermediaries, on the other hand, include the entire content of the Service Cost Report, which contains the fields Validity Period, Reference Value, one-time and ongoing service costs, and the incidental costs. Since service costs can vary over the entire period, the duration of the entered fields can be limited under the Validity Period area.

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After all relevant costs have been entered, the Ex-Ante Cost Report is made available for download to the mediating platform. This report can then be filed in the system as a mediation document.

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Ex-Ante Cost Report:
The Ex-Ante Cost Report is a crucial document generated during the pre-investment phase. This report is automatically created upon the "Save" action in the system. It serves as a preliminary document, providing an outlook on the expected costs associated with a potential investment. This report is an integral part of the decision-making process, enabling the consideration of anticipated expenses before making an investment.

Ex-Post Cost Report:
In contrast to the Ex-Ante Report, the Ex-Post Cost Report is formulated after an investment has been realized. This report is a retrospective document that details the actual costs incurred from the investment. At portagon GmbH, the creation of the Ex-Post Cost Report is a manual process, unlike the automated generation of the Ex-Ante Report. It is conducted annually, thus ensuring a thorough and detailed account of the expenses incurred post-investment.

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