Overview Investors

Path: "Investors" > "Investors"

Detail View:

To access the detailed view of an investor, which includes their individual data, follow these steps:

Click on the name of the corresponding person under the "Investors" section.

In this view, you have the ability to review various data and make adjustments in accordance with the provided options:


Under the "Investments" tab, you can see the projects and offerings in which the investor has invested, along with the investment amounts. Additionally, you can view the investment status.

Personal Data:

In the "Personal Data" section, you can access and review personal information such as address and bank details. You also have the option to edit this information. Furthermore, you can transform an investor's account into a minor's account through this section.


If the investor needs to undergo a verification process during the investment journey (e.g., Lionware, IDnow, POSTIDENT-Coupon), you can track these processes and download the identification files. The download is only accessible if the identification process has been completed. If not, you can manually send a link to initiate the identification process.

Uploading Documents:

If the investing person has subscribed to a cooperative's offering (Investment Process: Alternative-Investments-Genossenschaft), they will be required to upload the cooperative application. You can review, examine, or upload the application from this section. Pending applications can also be viewed under "Marketing tools" > "Uploads."


This section provides an overview of investment journeys that were conducted with an investment advisor. You can also create new consultation journeys in this section.


Notes can be both viewed and created in this section. You can see who created the note and when. When creating a note, you can decide whether the investor can also access the note's attachment through the investment portal. The note's content within the investment portal will be referred to as the "Document Name."

Tax Documents:

Once the tax certificates are automatically generated by GO, they will be displayed in both the detailed view and the investment portal.

Church Tax Records:

In the detailed view of an investor, you can provide information related to church tax, which will be considered in the payout plan. Specify whether you conducted a regular or event-based query, provide the reference date, indicate the tax rate, and select the ID of the church organizational unit. The reference date for the regular query is always August 31.

Non-Assessment Certificates:

In the detailed view of an investor, you can upload a non-assessment certificate. Choose "new non-assessment certificate", specify the validity period of the certificate, and upload it. Uploading the PDF file is mandatory, as the certificate is only valid if the PDF file is available.


The logbook in the detailed view of an investor allows you to review and trace all actions conducted within the investment portal. This includes system adjustments as well as activities from admin and investor sides.

Investment Portal Access:

Through the "Log into {NAME}" function, you can access the investment portal using your investor's personal access. This allows you to understand what information your investors can access and where.

The investment portal provides an overview of both personal and investment-related data of the investors. The home page displays the count and total sum of the investments made by investors. Under "Investments", they can view detailed information about individual investments, distinguishing between active and completed investments. In "Settings", investors can manage personal data and preferences such as newsletter subscriptions and password changes. The "Documents" section displays relevant tax documents organized by years. 


In this section, you can access further details about the registration of the investing person, including confirmation of the email address, completeness of personal data, investment subscriptions, and newsletter subscriptions.


Using this section, you can determine if the investing person was acquired through one of your affiliates. You can also manually create leads. This function is useful if, for example, tracking didn't work due to the investing person not accepting marketing cookies. However, accepting marketing cookies is necessary for automatic affiliate tracking.

Tax Information:

In the tax information section, you can check if the person has been verified, whether the tax ID has been provided, if they pay taxes, and if they pay church taxes.


Under "Actions," you can resend an email confirmation request if the email address has not been confirmed yet. If investors report forgetting their passwords, you can send a "Forgot password" email through this section. Additionally, you can send instructions for the identification process. You also have the option to delete individual investor accounts. Deletion is only possible if no investments have been made. If you still wish to delete the account, you must first cancel the investment before deleting the investor's account.

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