How do I change hints and texts on my platform?

Path 1: "Settings" > "Platform" > General

Path 2: "Settings" > "Platform" > Lightning Frontend


Lastly, you provide the content for the website footer. This information must be entered in HTML code.

<div class='row'>
<div class='col-sm-6'>
<ul class='footer-navi clearfix'>
<li class='footer-navi-item'>
<a class='footer-navi-link' href=''>Impressum</a>
<li class='footer-navi-item'>
<a class='footer-navi-link' href=''>Datenschutz</a>
<li class='footer-navi-item'>
<a class='footer-navi-link' href=''>AGB</a>
<li class='footer-navi-item'>
<a class='footer-navi-link' href=''>Risikohinweise</a>
<div class='col-sm-6'>
<span class='footer-copy'> Anbieter dieser Anlage ist CrowdDesk Demo_Kunden.</span>


Intermediary Notice

  • First, you can specify the background color for the intermediary notice.
  • The default text for the intermediary notice will be automatically applied if no custom input is provided. If you wish to use your own information text for the referring person or company, you can enter it in the designated text field.
  • Finally, you can upload your logo for the intermediary notice, which will be displayed on the right side of the header.

Display Texts:

  • For the landing page, you must provide issuer information and a risk warning text. The risk warning is mandatory wherever the investment button or terms are located and will be displayed on the landing page below the project tiles.
  • If you offer more than one project, you must upload the imprint (impressum) at this point, regardless of whether you are using the Lightning frontend or a custom frontend.

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