How do I change the registration?

Path: "Settings" > "Platform" > Registration

Basic Settings 

In this section, you can change various settings that affect the registration process every potential investor needs to go through, before they can place an investment. 

Investor types that can register 

You can use the settings to define which investor types can register on your platform.

If you select the checkbox for corporate investors and private investors, both options are available in the registration process.

If one of the two checkboxes is deselected, the selection is predefined in the registration process and cannot be changed by the investor.

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Telephone- and mobile number

A distinction is made between telephone number and mobile number in the settings.

  • the telephone number is always part of the registration process and is part of the core data
    • select whether the telephone number is a mandatory field during registration
  • you can also select whether the mobile number is requested during registration
    • if this is selected, the mobile number can be marked as mandatory

Default country 

Define which country of origin is selected to be the default for newly registered users. 


There are two checkboxes that behave as follows:

  • Registration offers newsletter subscription 
  • Registration requires newsletter subscription 

The different use cases explained:

  1. If you do not select any of the checkboxes, investors will not be able to sign up for the newsletter either in the registration or in the investment portal.
  2. If you only select the Registration offers newsletter subscription checkbox, investors can optionally register for the newsletter both during registration and subsequently in the investment portal.
  3. If you select both checkboxes, signing up for the newsletter is mandatory for investors and they will receive an error message if they try to register and do not select the checkbox. Investors can subsequently unsubscribe from the newsletter within the investment portal.
  4. If you only select the Registration requires newsletter subscription checkbox, investors are automatically registered for the newsletter and do not see the corresponding checkbox during registration. Investors can subsequently unsubscribe from the newsletter in the investment portal.


Note: the styling which applies to the registration form is the same as for the investment process. Read more about branding settings here



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