Lionware - Identification

Path: "Settings" > "Integrations" > Lionware

Note: If an amount exceeding €15,000 has been invested, the issuer is legally obligated to identify the investor (§ 10 (3) sentence 2b GwG). Additionally, it is at the issuer's discretion to require investors to be identified even for lower investments.


  • First, create an account with Lionware.
  • Enter the API Key you received from Lionware in the "Settings" > "Integrations" section under "Third-party providers."
  • Also, in "Settings" under "Domain & Mail" > "Notifications," you can specify how many days investors who still require identification should receive a reminder email. A common value is between 3-5 days.
  • Once the issuer and project are set up, specify in the issuance:
  • Lionware as the identification method and when investors should be identified (from €15,000 or less).

Identification Process

If an investor's investment exceeds the specified threshold, along with the payment request email, an additional email requesting verification is sent:

When investors click on "Confirm Identity," they will be directed to the identification process provided by Deutsche Post. Deutsche Post offers three different identification options that investors can choose from.

Once the identification process is completed, the identification documents are uploaded to GO. These documents are stored and can be viewed in the "Investors" section within the details of individual investors. The files can also be downloaded, and the investor is automatically considered identified. This information can also be found in the tax information section at the bottom right of the detail view.

Not Yet Identified?

In the "Investors" section in the blue sidebar on the left, you can access "Identifications." This list contains all investors who still require authentication. Click on one of the investors to access the detail view. There, you have the option to resend the identification link by clicking "Send Legitimation Check Reminder" under Actions. Alternatively or in addition, you can also use the automatic reminder email in "Settings" under "Domain & Mail" > "Notifications."

How can i set up a new identification?

If existing identification documents need to be updated, the following procedure is recommended: Open the master data of the person who needs to be re-identified by opening the customer file under the menu item "Investors". In the menu of the customer file, click on "Master Data" and open the editing mode under "Edit Data". In the right part of the master data view under "Tax Data", the checkbox in the field at "Identified?" is set. Remove this checkbox and save the change. Go back to the customer file and click on "Send a note for legitimacy check" under "Actions". The investing person will receive an identification request via email. Depending on which identification process was active during the last investment of the person, it will be provided in the identification request.

Video (1 min):




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