Bonus codes

Path: "Marketing Tools" > Bonus codes


Bonus actions offer several advantages as a marketing tool:

Budget Planning: You always know the maximum budget you need for a bonus action, and you can set it yourself if you limit the action. Additionally, costs only incur when an investment is made.

Enhance Customer Loyalty: By offering a reinvestment bonus or rewards for referrals, you reward the loyalty and trust of your investors, creating a stronger bond with your company.

Utilize the Herding Effect for Success: The herding effect is significant in crowdfunding; the more investments that come in at the start of a project, the more likely the campaign's success. This signals to other potential investors that your offering is interesting and might soon run out. A early investor bonus can intensify this effect.


First, define the framework for your bonus action:

Goal of the Bonus Action: Do you want registered investors to make their first investment? Or do you want to achieve a successful project launch? The specific setup for your bonus action depends on your goal. Start with goal definition.

Timing & Duration of the Bonus Action: When do you want to achieve your goal? Will the bonus only be valid for a specific period, or will it be offered permanently (such as a bonus for new investors)? Determine the timing and plan with sufficient lead time to prepare for the action.

Budget of the Bonus Action: What amount do you want to spend at most for the bonus action? Knowing your budget, you can determine further conditions: How much should the bonus payment be? Will a fixed amount be offered, or will the payment be a percentage of the invested amount? Should only a limited number of investors be able to participate?

Creating Bonus Codes

To create a bonus code, you need to initially create it in the "Marketing Tools" menu under "Bonus Codes" and then link it to the desired offering within the "Projects" menu.

Creating a Bonus Code: Go to "Marketing Tools" > "Bonus Codes" > "Bonus Code Query"

Creating a Query: Click on "New Query" to provide a title and an explanatory text. If you offer the subscription process in a different language, you need to enter the texts in the corresponding fields.

Mandatory: If you check this option, the investment process can only proceed when the bonus code is entered. This is useful if, for instance, only existing customers with a customer/contract number or residents with a specific postal code are allowed to invest.

Regular Expression: This specifies which characters can and cannot be present in a character string. If you want to allow only letter-number combinations with a minimum of 6 characters, the corresponding expression would be: [0-9a-zA-Z]{6,}.

Bonus Code Rule: Set the rule for your query. Click on "Bonus Code Rules" > "New Rule."

Define Conditions: You can determine how many investors can use the code (quota), how many times (single or multiple use), and within what timeframe (set a date). Additionally, you can specify from which investment onward the bonus code can be applied. You can set multiple rules for a query.

Unlocking the Bonus Code: After defining the query and rule(s), you can link the bonus code to the desired offering. Go to the respective offering and click "Edit." Scroll down to the end of the page and select a query and one or more rules.

In the first step of the investment process, your investors will be asked for the bonus code. If it's entered incorrectly, a notification will appear.

Managing Bonus Codes

When investors correctly input the bonus code, the conversions will be stored in the "Marketing Tools" menu under "Bonus Codes" You can filter by projects and the status of the bonus code entry. Additionally, you can use the search function. In the bonus code entry overview, you'll find all investment-related information. You can set the use of the bonus code to "edited" or reject the entry.

Note: Conversions are saved, but not rewards. For this, you can download the "Bonus Code Export" under "Data Management" and calculate the rewards independently.

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