Custom Session Parameters

Path: "Settings" > "Add-ons" > "Custom Session Parameters"

There is the option to add parameters to the link of a subscription route, which are then bound to the browser session and can be read in the tracking codes.

To use custom session parameters, the parameter names can be stored as comma-separated values under Settings > Add-ons > Custom Session Parameters. Afterwards, the parameters defined there can be added to the link of the subscription route.

It's important that the value of the parameter is URL-encoded ( ).

Reading parameters in tracking codes

To use the value of a parameter in tracking codes, for example to identify users uniquely and coherently, it can be read via a template variable: {{ custom_session_parameters.<parameter> }} The placeholder is then replaced by the value that was passed when calling the URL.


The parameters to be passed are s_id with the value 12345 and something with the value important. To achieve this, the value s_id,something is saved in the settings for custom session parameters.

The link to the investment process will be:

The code tag for the tracking code to create a tracking pixel would look like this:

 s_id: {{ custom_session_parameters.s_id }}
 something: {{ custom_session_parameters.something }}

The result would be the following code in the <head> part of the relevant page in the subscription process:

 s_id: 12345
 something: important

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